It’s one thing getting a
company’s employees rounded up to hear the benefits of group
retirement plans, but getting them to sign up is another thing.
Canadian insurer Sun Life Financial (SFL) believes it has the
answer in the new BlackBerry PlayBook smartphone.

“Our vision is to make the
enrolment process as simple and easy as possible,” said Tom Reid,
SFL’s senior vice-president of group retirement services at Tom

He continued that an SFL
presenter will explain to employees a plan’s design and benefits
and then talk them through the enrolment process. Each employee
will have access to a BlackBerry PlayBook and will be able to use
it to input all enrolment data. When an employee hits “submit” at
the end of the process, the data will be transmitted to SLF for
direct processing.

According to SFL, in the US
where wireless enrolment has also recently been introduced, it has
increased registration rates to 90%, compared to typical sign-up
rates of about 50% with more traditional methods.