When it comes to harnessing the internet as an effective means
of servicing customers and financial advisers Aegon UK is achieving
outstanding success, indicates a series of assessments undertaken
by UK-based independent specialist technology consultancy,
Financial & Technology Research Centre (F&TRC).

Based on its assessments F&TRC has this year awarded Aegon
12 e-Excellence (eee) ratings, its highest rating for insurance
companies’ based on their capabilities in the fields of electronic
communications and services. This is the highest number of eee
ratings yet awarded by F&TRC to a life pensions company and
cover its group pensions, personal pension accumulation, individual
protection and wealth management product lines.

According to F&TRC its ratings are awarded to companies who
have what it terms “truly embedded technology and electronic
capabilities” in their product range and are able to demonstrate
that their technology applications save advisers and their
customer’s time and money in carrying out business.

Commenting on the awarding of the eee ratings to Aegon a F&TRC
director Ian McKenna said: “The challenges of the current economic
climate, combined with the need for advisers to dramatically adapt
their operating models to meet the needs of RDR [Retail
Distribution Review] means it has never been more important for
providers to deliver seamless e-commerce solutions.

“Aegon’s consistent success in our ratings demonstrates that they
are one of a handful of true leaders in innovation.”

Aegon UK has some 2 million customers and assets under
administration of £44.2 billion ($74 billion).