All articles by Charles Davis

Charles Davis

Remaining TARP hopefuls still waiting

At least five US life insurers hoping to get their share of the federal Troubled Asset Relief Program have dropped out during what has been a lengthy period of delay

Risk management takes centre stage

More than anything else, the global financial crisis has exposed glaring inadequacies in the approach to risk management in the life insurance industries

Product from the 80s makes big comeback

Hopes of an elimination of estate tax in the US have been dashed by the economic upheaval the country finds itself in This has sparked a revival in popularity of second-to-die life insurance among individuals who have significant assets they wish to protect from the ravages of estate duty

Credit scoring stirs up controversy

Wider use of credit scoring, long-used by US general insurers, is being contemplated in other sectors, including life insurance This has prompted aggressive opposition from consumer groups and legislators and, in some states, use of credit-scoring by insurers has already been banned

Law firm goes to war against BOLI

US banks could lose a major source of tax-free income, bank-owned life insurance, if a Texas law firm has its way Scott Clearman, senior partner at the firm, discusses with Charles Davis why he believes banks are infringing employees legal rights by insuring their lives, often without their knowledge Houston law firm, The Clearman Law Firm (TCLM), has launched a nationwide probe of banks they contend insure employees lives without their knowledge or consent in violation of US law.

Insurers’ results go from bad to worse

As fourth-quarter 2008 results begin to roll in from US life insurers, the news is not good, with most failing to meet analysts or even their own earnings expectations by a wide margin Staff lay-offs are now the order of the day as insurers brace for what may be an even tougher 2009

Insuring against living too long

Americans are living longer than ever before, as medical marvels and a focus on wellness combine to stretch longevity to extremes that baffle actuaries and create real strain on household finances

If you can’t beat them join them

The US life settlements industry continues to go from strength to strength despite concerted efforts by insurers and regulators to curb its growth Signaling that the life settlements are here to stay, a growing number of life insurers are themselves entering the market as serious players

Health insurers stage land grab in group life market

Health insurers stage land grab in group life market Take care, life insurers: US health insurers are using years of experience in the employee benefits arena to carve out quite a niche for themselves in group life

US insurers in a VA arms race

Spearheading innovation are guaranteed living benefits which provide investors with certainty and carriers with higher fees