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LII editorial

US life settlements get a boost from model act

The model is based on a law enacted in the state of Kentucky in 2010 and requires insurers to notify people who are over the age of 60 or who are terminally or chronically ill in “easily understandable language” of alternatives to giving up their policy

Data gold mine awaits exploitation

But what many do lack are methods of exploiting the data to the full Charles Davis explores strategies which research firm Strategy Meets Action highlights in a new study aimed at spurring insurers into data-mining action.

US insurers to up IT spending modestly

LOMA senior vice-president Jeff Hasty commented: “Information technology will continue to play a key role for insurers, with more IT spending shifting to the strategic use of technology to better understand customers and markets, improve products and increase cross-selling and up-selling opportunities

French retirement age reform row

Frances decision to increase the legal minimum retirement age to 62 years (from 60) and the age for receiving the full state pension to 67 (from 65) sparked off riots The negative potential, said Abaza, springs from insurers provision of incapacity and disability insurance on which guarantees are paid until retirement date

Volatile ride for UK pensions deficit

Things looked better for hard-pressed sponsors of UK defined benefit (DB) pension schemes at the end of October, consultancy Aon Hewitt has reported, with the combined deficit of the countrys 200 largest listed companies at £69bn ($110bn), its lowest level in 13 months

Technology comes to insurers’ aid

Insurers in the Asia-Pacific region have the benefit of a market with significant growth potential but must also cope with changing distribution models and the related need to adapt administrative systems

Europeans willing to sacrifice income for better future

This is the clear message of a study undertaken by consultancy Aon Hewitt across all the major economies in Europe On average, nearly half (49%) of workers surveyed for Aon Hewitts study stated that they would be prepared to sacrifice their income for a higher pension contribution by their employer

Big challenges await UK fund managers in 2011

Among the most significant findings of SIGs survey are potential changes to fee structures with the majority of the industry (64%) expecting to see the use of performance fees increase further over the next 12 months

Solvency II set to disrupt real estate investment

The study found that more than 40% of insurers believe Solvency II capital requirements will negatively impact their investments in private real estate funds, while a further third say it will prompt a revision of strategy

Rating agencies under renewed attack from global watchdog

Credit rating agencies (CRA) must be toppled from their position as arbiters of risk, believes global financial watchdog, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Backing its view, the FSB has called on governments to remove credit ratings from laws and regulations determining parameters of financial institutions asset allocation In its call, the FSB has the backing of the Group of 20 (G20), comprising finance ministers and central banks of the 20 largest economies