At the end of February, Brolly confirmed that it is being forced to replace its umbrella-esque logo due to legal action from a “big corporation” , which turned out to be Travelers.

Rather than dwelling on the issue however, Brolly turned the problem into a proactive campaign, according to GlobalData Financial Services 

It decided to crowdsource its new logo, inviting interested customers (or rather, individuals expressing interest in its beta product) to submit ideas online and even attend a focus group meeting to listen, chat, and eat pizza.

The entire story has unfolded with a catchy Twitter hashtag to boot – #noumbrellas – from which an onlooker can view a textbook exercise in turning a negative into a positive. Why?

1. It’s well understood that insurance isn’t sexy, and campaigns to increase customer touchpoints should talk about almost anything but insurance itself. Keep it fun. Brolly’s logo campaign manages to do this while ensuring its brand is kept completely at the center of the conversation. Double win.

2. The whole story speaks directly to the mythology that a number of new insurance (or “insurance 2.0”) players have created. It’s David and Goliath. It’s the new, switched-on, and caring business that’s marking a departure from an incumbent industry – one which continues to struggle in persuading customers it has a heart.

3. Talking of which, how better to demonstrate that you care about and listen to customers – key emotive elements when you’re selling protection for the things they hold most dear – than to allow them to build your brand logo?

4. It is a straight-up example of low-cost social media engagement that drives high-impact brand awareness – a campaign that grows its own legs because it’s fun and novel and provides opportunities to engage directly with individuals via tweets, while broadcasting the unfolding story to all. This is the rinse-and-repeat process that brands in a social media age need to make standard.

Brolly unveils its new logo on April 5, 2017.

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