• So far, insurers are
    trying to differentiate their offerings away from savings and more
    towards non-life and protection products, which do not compete
    directly with banks’

Laura Perez Martinez,
European insurance analyst at Moody’s Investors Service.


  • ‘Over the past fi ve
    years the missed opportunity in the middle market for life insurers
    has grown signifi cantly, and our latest estimate is that it has
    reached $10.2trn’

Terence Martin, director
at Conning Research & Consulting.


  • ‘The life industry is
    doing a fairly good job of repositioning itself as a financial
    planning business, and VAs are a huge part of the

Steve Wiesbart, vice
president and chief economist of the Life Insurance


  • ‘Smaller, domestically
    focused life insurers will remain under strong pressure to
    consolidate, through merger or absorption into larger general
    insurance or bancassurance groups’

ITEM Club Outlook for
Financial Services.


  • ‘We created the
    barometer study to provide an annual snapshot of evolving consumer
    attitudes. our hope is that the broader industry will use these
    insights to help address the crisis of underinsurance’

Robert Kerzner,
president and CEO of LIMRA.


  • Should insurance
    companies agree to implement the code, how it is

will be crucial to its

Kevin Carr, chief
executive of Protection Review.


Most read online
articles of this month


1. Foreign insurers fl
ock to Vietnam


2. UK life insurers
sheltered from Eurozone crisis


3. Cambodia to get first
life insurance company


4. MAS highlights
protection gap in Singapore


5. An overcrowded growth


6. China’s life market
ends 2011 on stronger note


7. Rothesay Life piles
on deals in UK risk transfer market


8. Asia’s diminutive


9. Country review: South


10. Gary Shaughnessy
appointed CEO of Zurich Life


11. Life industry growth
goes into reverse

12. HSBC Insurance rolls
out early critical care plan