AEGIS London has introduced a new political violence consortium to address political violence risks, with coverage limits reaching up to $100m (£80.4m).  

This initiative is set to provide insurance against political violence and terrorism-related perils. 

The consortium’s coverage spans civil commotion, civil war, insurrection, revolution, riots, sabotage, strikes and war.  

It is tailored to support various sectors including construction, financial, industrial, leisure, logistics, retail and transport.  

This new solution empowers AEGIS London to assume a 100% share of risk and raise its per-policy capacity from $60m to $100m. 

AEGIS London war & terrorism class underwriter James MacDonald said: “We are delighted to launch this new and compelling offering, enabling our valued brokers and clients to efficiently secure comprehensive political violence coverage through this 100% solution.” 

AEGIS London chief underwriting officer Matthew Yeldham said: “Our Political Violence and Terrorism Underwriting team is highly regarded in the market, and this product will make a real difference to businesses around the world seeking the necessary breadth of coverage and policy limits to secure their businesses against PVT [Political Violence and Terrorism] losses. We are proud to have built this consortium.” 

Last month, the company established a portfolio solutions division. This will leverage third-party underwriting expertise within the London market, under the leadership of Richard Palengat. 

AEGIS London is the UK-based subsidiary of AEGIS and manages Lloyd’s Syndicate 1225.