Aviva has launched an online continuing professional development (CPD) tool so advisers can achieve and maintain the level of professionalism required in the post-RDR world.

The new Retail Distribution Review (RDR) professionalism rules set out by the FSA, specifies that all advisers are required to undertake a minimum of 35 hours CPD each year, 21 of which needs to be through structured elements such as workshops, courses or computer based training.
Given this requirement, Aviva has broadened the provision offered through its Financial Adviser Academy (FAA) to include on-going CPD learning materials and validation tests via an interactive website.
The website features a personalised home page; technical CPD modules, and materials to help them develop their businesses and personal skills, including presentation skills.

Advisers will have also have access to course materials and a validation system to help them to achieve desired learning outcomes and track all their CPD activity throughout the year. This recorded evidence can be used to make their annual declarations of learning to their accredited bodies.

Andrew Bewick, intermediary director at Aviva, said: "We have launched our CPD tool to help and support advisers in achieving and maintaining the level of professionalism required in the post-RDR world.

"This is an opportunity for the industry to take charge of its learning and development and push the boundaries in achieving new standards for financial advice."