Specialist insurer Beazley has introduced an online booking system for underwriters and brokers.
Beazley Booking is aimed to make virtual appointments easier for cyber & property underwriters and help them securely share relevant documentations.
The new booking system has been developed in collaboration with Microsoft and IT consultancy Redspire.
The platform utilises Microsoft’s Power Platform to create a simple web application that brokers can access using a secure log-in.
This booking system will allow brokers to view underwriter availability, book a meeting time, share agenda and documents in advance. Using the system, they can also view all scheduled meetings with Beazley underwriters.
Furthermore, underwriters will be able to access a detailed log of broker enquiries and appointments using the system.
Beazley Booking is aimed to help brokers retain consistent access to their underwriting contacts during social distancing.
The company also expects the system to be worthwhile in the future as the insurance industry is making space for flexible working practices in the long term.
Beazley is initially offering its booking system to cyber & technology and property broking partners in the London market. The company will roll out the system to additional lines in the coming months.
Commenting on the development, Beazley chief technology officer Mark Moerdyk said: “Beazley Booking uses the Microsoft Power Platform to improve the quality of interactions with brokers and ensure that our underwriters have access to data that can help improve service in the future.
“This is not only a system that improves our service during this period of social distancing but also has the capability to provide long-term support as the market adapts to a more efficient and flexible model.”