The platform partnership between Cytora and hyperexponential reduces the time for underwriters to make choices on risks they want to write. In addition, it reduces quote turnaround time to minutes not hours.

Underwriters will receive decision-ready risks that have been digitised as well as evaluated against appetite and priority score by Cytora. Afterwards, these risks are then passed seamlessly into hyperexponential’s pricing decision intelligence platform, hx Renew, at the click of a button.

Furthermore, the fully digitised and evaluated risk is priced by hx Renew without the need to rekey any data. The risk is also made available for underwriting and further analysis.

This partnership is built is a growing ecosystem of data and insight provided by the two platforms.

Richard Gunn, CRO at hyperexponential, said: “Our mission at hyperexponential is to accelerate and enrich the critical pricing decisions faced by professionals across the insurance sector. This partnership with a like-minded team at Cytora paves the way for the speed and efficiency which we have always believed is at the heart of successful modern insurance businesses. We look forward to working with our customers so they can benefit from this exciting new collaboration.”

Juan de Castro, COO at Cytora, added: “With this new integration insurers now have seamless access to hyperexponential’s real-time pricing data within Cytora’s data ecosystem. This allows insurers to operationalise at the flip of a switch hyperexponential’s data within their underwriting workflows, driving superior evaluation and quotation of a risk.”

This isn’t the first partnership for Cytora this year.

German insurer HDI Global has teamed up with insurtech Cytora to augment its broker and client experience by streamlining global risk processing workflows.

The German commercial and specialty insurer will digitise its risk processing flows by leveraging the Cytora Platform.

Cytora claims that its platform will allow the insurer to accelerate and improve service for brokers and clients.

The platform will also offer an improved risk selection and create capacity across HDI teams.