The IMI accreditation means Direct Line qualified trainers can now design and deliver certified training programmes in-house.

In addition, the investment in IMI accreditation provides a competitive advantage to the Direct Line group which can quickly identify trends where skills gaps are emerging and then develop training for those gaps.

Furthermore, in-house trainers can develop a number of qualifications, from non-technical courses, including sustainability, customer service, quality assurance and leadership, to technical courses such as Autoglazing, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), EC, panel beating and MET.

Andy Churm, head of motor networks transformation at Direct Line, said: “Being able to adapt and evolve in a fast-moving environment is fundamental to ensuring our people have the right level of skills to fix new car technology safely and effectively. We are delighted to be working with our partners and our colleagues to develop and deliver high quality education that can help address some of the key challenges coming through.”

Steve Nash, CEO of the IMI, continued: “We are delighted that DLG has achieved IMI accreditation to deliver in-house training. Motorists need the confidence that vehicle repairs are completed to a high standard, particularly as ADAS and electric technologies become more commonplace in the UK car parc. This commitment to training not only ensures DLG can deliver confidence to its policyholders; it also demonstrates that it is an employer offering great opportunities for automotive professionals to ensure their skills remain fit for purpose.”

Churm added: “We are starting to see a rise in the uptake in electric vehicles, and we anticipate this will only increase. We are confident that through our IMI accreditation programmes we can continue to educate our technicians, tackling some of the key EV competencies such as battery technology identification, health and safety standards, working with high voltages and equipment, vehicle design and component requirements and repair.”