Generali UK has announced partnerships with Nuffield Health, ToHealth, Randox Health and Check4Cancer, in the second phase of its Wellbeing Investment Matching initiative which launched in July this year.

With partners specialising in health assessments, fitness solutions, whole body screening and cancer detection services, Generali UK can help its Group Income Protection clients fund a wider-range of targeted wellbeing initiatives with a view to improving outcomes for the employer and employees.

The first phase of the launch introduced partners specialising in virtual and artificial intelligence GPs, stress resilience training and critical incident support.

A third phase is expected before the end of the year.

Simon Thomas, director – UK employee benefits, Generali, said: “We identified a clear need in the market for Wellbeing Investment Matching and the feedback since launch has been incredibly positive.

“We pride ourselves in listening to our customers – consultants and employers – and in doing so we recognised a real need for this initiative. We saw that help was needed with the hurdle often faced in trying to support clients with the implementation of new and much needed wellbeing initiatives. The financial support for clients is only the start though. Further gains can be made over time thanks to improved claims experience and employee outcomes.”

Chris Knowles, commercial lead, Broking – Aon Employee Benefits, comments: “We know from our analytics that workplace absence is still a major issue for employers and with that can often come increased insurance premiums. Employers often want to do more, but cite budgeting restrictions as a reason why they are unable to implement the wellbeing initiatives they want and more importantly may need to help tackle absence. Therefore, any insurer initiative that assists a client with the implementation of new and targeted wellbeing provision, from effective providers is something worth exploring.”