RedArc Nurses and Thrive have collaborated to launch an insurers’ mental health app and initiative.

The app, created by Thrive Therapeutic Software, will work with RedArc to provide a “digital and human” approach to mental health support. It is aimed at insurers across protection and health insurances, including both personal lines and group policies.

Both companies recognises concern among insurers regarding underwriting for the wide range of mental health conditions and severities. In addition, this came with managing claims.

According to Mind, one in four people will experience a mental health problem each year. The app offers early intervention responses and hopes to benefit insurers in mitigating the frequency, size and duration of claims.

Insurers’ mental health app features

Users’ daily mood can be monitored through the Patient Health Questionnaire and then Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment, both approved by the NHS and private practices. Furthermore, the app is approved by NHS Direct and is in the NHS app library.

Also, if markers are triggered, individuals can talk to in-app coaches. Another option offered is long-term support from RedArc’s qualified mental health nurse advisers.

Benefits to the individual:

  • Quick and convenient access to clinically proven tools;
  • Access to confidential and dedicated practical advice and emotional support;
  • Confidential support – reporting is anonymous, and
  • Faster recovery rates – self-management allows those with mild depression/anxiety to recover in half the time.


Benefits to the insurer:

  • Product differentiation in a commoditised market
  • Controlled application – insurers can choose to offer the app at the point of claim only or to all policyholders
  • Additional touch points and communication with customer
  • Engenders increased loyalty and trust
  • Reduces frequency, size and duration of claims

Christine Husbands, managing director, RedArc Nurses said: “We’re likening this app to the black box of motor insurance. Where people are happy to be transparent and take responsibility for their mental health, they benefit by receiving tailored support, delivered via the app and by real people when needed.”

Andres Fonseca, CEO at Thrive said: “Mental health problems are widespread, complex and diverse, ranging from mild anxiety and depression through to addictions, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. We recognise the importance of a robust mental health solution to tackle all these conditions, but we also understand that any response needs to be sustainable and affordable.

“Our ‘digital and human’ app meets the requirements of those involved in providing and receiving mental health support – whether that be prevention, early detection or immediate intervention. We’ve partnered with RedArc to provide the human intervention because of their proven track record and expertise in supporting mental health.”