Health insurance provider Passport2Health has
launched a private medical cover package combining private UK
diagnostics with overseas treatment.

The provider’s customers can choose from
hospitals in France, Germany, and Spain well as Belgium, Cyprus,
Portugal, Gran Canaria and Malta.

The company says that medical tourism is a
growing market, with around 60,000 people a year believed to be
travelling away from the UK for treatment abroad.

Passport2Health said it  therefore aims
to broaden access to high quality medical treatment by putting
private healthcare within reach of most people’s budgets through an
insurance plan that is up to half the price of regular PMI.

In addition, it says elective treatments such
as angioplasty, hernias, hip replacements or cataracts can now be
treated overseas without the patient having to join a long waiting

Passport2Health company CEO and founder Frank
Levene  said the escalating price of UK health insurance,
combined with continuing pressure on household spending, has left
many people unable to afford cover for private treatment – leaving
them faced with lengthy waits with the NHS.

The company will be targeting SMEs and
individual customers, and is being sold through selected PMI
specialists and insurance brokers, as well as directly via the

Initially, Passport2Health envisages capturing
a modest 1.5-2%t share of the UK PMI market.

ThePassport2Health policy is, underwritten by
Advent Solutions Management on behalf of Sirius Lloyd’s Syndicate