Between 1 August 2020 and 31 July 2023, China published 5,021 patents followed by the US with 4,944.
This means the two countries swap places as over the three year period between July 2020 and 2023, the US submitted 4,980 insurance patents with the peak being in the quarter that ended January 2023, which saw 465 patents.
However, in the same time period, China recorded 4,824 insurance parents with the largest number being handed in during the quarter ending July 2022 with 478 patents.
In the last three years, Japan came third with 765 published patents, South Korea with 745 and WIPO with 635.
The top ten is completed with the European Patent Office, Taiwan, Canada, Australia, and Germany who only published 49 patents over the period.

Our signals coverage is powered by GlobalData’s Thematic Engine, which tags millions of data items across six alternative datasets — patents, jobs, deals, company filings, social media mentions and news — to themes, sectors and companies. These signals enhance our predictive capabilities, helping us to identify the most disruptive threats across each of the sectors we cover and the companies best placed to succeed.