China was responsible for 439 insurance-related patents in August 2023, down from 463 in the previous month.
In second place was the US with 324 (251 in July) and then there is a large drop to the European Patent Office which only submitted 29 patents over the month.
Completing the top five is Japan with 29 and South Korea with 19.
The top ten also has Canada, the WPO, Australia, the UK and the Netherlands as authorities delivering patents over the month.
To see which firms were involved in the most patents, click here.

Our signals coverage is powered by GlobalData’s Thematic Engine, which tags millions of data items across six alternative datasets — patents, jobs, deals, company filings, social media mentions and news — to themes, sectors and companies. These signals enhance our predictive capabilities, helping us to identify the most disruptive threats across each of the sectors we cover and the companies best placed to succeed.