There were 76 tweets about fintech this week, according to GlobalData, only beaten by Global Macro Outlook with 77.
In addition, insurtech was just behind with 74. This is out of the 445 insurance related tweets this week, pharma & medical experts making up over 100 of those tweets.
Also, 60% of Brits are worried about the cost of care if they get diagnosed with dementia.
In addition, almost half (46%) do not know the average cost of caring for someone with dementia at all, which is an estimated £100,000 ($124,667).
This is according to research from VitalityLife, which also found that 19% do not know any ways their home environment could be improved.
Currently, many with dementia must fund the complete cost of their care, which means those with serious illness could face spending everything they have on care.
Tweets of the week

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