In June 2023, Ping An was top for insurance patents filed in the month with 10, 8 coming from the Ping An Technology and two coming from OneConnect.
It was matched by Taikang Insurance and quickly followed by nine patents filed by Alibaba.
China Ping An delivered six patents while NEC Corp, OPTIM, Tencent and eBao all delivered two each.
July, however, was quite a different month.
June 2023 assignee ranking by publications

State Farm came top in July 2023 in terms of patents published with 17, close to double that of Allstate in second place with nine and even Ping An’s 10 in the previous month.
Third place goes to Hartford with five patents filed in the month and then a number of firms, such as Aon and Assurant, with one a piece.
July 2023 assignee ranking by publications

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