Swiss Re has teamed up with Claims Genius on an artificial intelligence (AI) powered damage assessment and motor claims estimation platform.

Swiss Re stated that the partnership will allow insurers to use the ‘Smart Claims’ platform to switch to a fully automated photo-based damage assessment process.

Claims Genius leverages AI-based image analysis and predictive analytics for assessing vehicle damage and offering estimates.

The insurtech uses images and videos uploaded through its first notice of loss (FNOL) app for claims processing.

Swiss Re global P&C head Pranav Pasricha said: “Swiss Re Solutions aims to deliver world-leading claims management capabilities to its cedant clients helping them lower settlement time and costs while making the post-accident process fast, fair and frictionless for consumers.

“Our partnership with Claims Genius helps unlock our global data and tech assets to deliver world-leading accuracy and speed in auto-claims damage assessments.”

Claims Genius founder & CEO Raj Pofale said: “Our vision is to make touchless claims a reality and our customers across the globe are very happy to see that our technology is enabling them for 100% digitization of their claims process.”

Last week, Swiss Re partnered with community-based travel platform BlaBlaCar and specialist motor insurer L’olivier Assurance to launch a new digital solution in France.

In August, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions teamed up with Reask on tropical cyclone insurance.

The partnership will allow the reinsure to use Reask’s wind speed data to offer tropical cyclone insurance solutions.