Dave Anderson has been named as CEO and
president of life insurer TIAA-CREF Life.

His appointment will become effective on 17

Anderson’s career in financial services spans
almost 30 years. Prior to this appointment, he joined TIAA-CREF in
2010 as its senior managing director of enterprise of performance
and integration.

For the past several months he has also served
as interim head of human resources at TIAA-CREF.

Roger W. Ferguson,  the current president
and CEO of TIAA-CREF, said: “Dave’s nearly 30 years of experience
in financial services, including various leadership roles in the
insurance sector, makes him the right leader to build on TIAA-CREF
Life’s momentum and take this important business to the next level
of success.”

TIAA-CREF Life a wholly owned subsidiary of
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA), part of the
TIAA-CREF group of companies.

TIAA-CREF had $487bn in assets under
management as at 30 June 2012.