Towers Watson has introduced life insurance
financial modelling on a cloud computing grid to enable insurers to
take advantage of cloud-based distributed processing for greater
computing capacity.

It comes as Towers Watson has launched MoSes
Azure, a new software integration product that enables life
insurers to run MoSes financial models in Microsoft Windows Azure
Cloud Services.

Todd Erkis, global life software product
manager at Towers Watson, said for most life insurers, computing
resource demands for financial modeling fluctuate greatly from
typical daily use to heavy use at quarter-and year-end,

Erkis said: “Should they invest in maximum
capacity to handle peak demand, knowing they’ll have idle capacity
during off-peak periods? Or should they invest to support typical
demand, knowing they will suffer capacity constraints during peak
demand? It’s a very difficult decision.”

With the introduction of MoSes Azure, insurers
can get exactly the resources they need for timely financial
analytics without choosing between investing in idle resources or
facing insufficient computing capacity, said Erkis.