Wegesrand, a subsidiary of Swedish company edyoutec, has developed and launched Mico, a digital rehabilitation platform, for the German insurance company DRV.

The Mico platform is designed to motivate clients to utilise rehabilitation services more effectively, particularly targeting those uncertain about returning to work after medical treatment.

These rehabilitation services are delivered by German Pension Insurance companies including Oldenburg-Bremen, Bund and Braunschweig-Hannover.

Wegesrand’s platform aims to provide individually tailored exercises incorporating game-based concepts and gamification elements to engage clients in their health development actively.

Wegesrand project manager Paul Lanzendorf said: “The game-based methods of rehabilitation were already developed in the 1980s and today have gained enormous importance. Gamification has great potential to increase the motivation of the participants and enable an effective treatment process.”

The digital platform offers a personalised preparation for medical rehabilitation, considering the users’ needs, barriers and skills.

Furthermore, Mico’s support and interaction tool is modular, covering essential rehabilitation aspects such as goal-setting, needs assessment, information provision, reflection, interaction and communication.

It also provides additional resources including checklists, to-do lists and testimonials from other rehabilitators, alongside important links to health information and rehabilitation clinics.

DRV Oldenburg-Bremen official Linda Richter said: “With Mico, we get a digital rehabilitation platform whose architecture gives us the freedom to adapt the content. This is a prerequisite for the product’s service life and high-frequency use.

“We are very pleased with our cooperation with Wegesrand and look forward to continuing to develop our digital offering with the expertise they have to offer.”