ING revs up its image

With the 2007 Formula One (F1) racing season just ended,
Netherlands bancassurer ING Group is upbeat about the results of
its first year of sponsorship of the ING Renault F1 Team.

“The affiliation between ING and Formula One has already proven its
worth,” said Michel Tilmant, chairman of the executive board of ING

Backing his enthusiasm are surveys undertaken at the start and end
of the F1 season by research company Research International of
16,000 people in 32 countries in Asia, North America, South America
and Western, Central and Eastern Europe where ING is active.

The respondents were a mix of men and women, some of whom were FI
fans and others who had no interest in the activity, with and
without ING products. They were surveyed across five key criteria,
including their awareness and perception of ING and willingness to
do business with ING as a result of its F1 sponsorship. The results

·    a 7 percent increase in perception of ING being a
leading and global financial services group;

·    a 25 percent increase in the positive
perception of ING; and

·    a 29 percent increase in willingness to do
business with ING within the next 12 months.

In addition, ING noted that research conducted by German sports
research company IFM International revealed that ING was the second
most visible F1 sponsor and achieved just fewer than four hours of
visibility during F1 television coverage.

“Heading into 2008, the ING F1 strategy will build upon the
increase in awareness of ING to drive revenue returns,” said