The claim by Transamerica Retirement
Services (TRS), which swept the boards in a survey conducted by
market research and consulting company Chatham Partners, that it
offers “superior customer service” has been shown to have real
substance. In Chatham’s 2007 Client Satisfaction Analysis study,
TRS, a retirement product marketing unit of Netherlands insurer
AEGON’s US subsidiary Transamerica Financial Life Insurance
Company, received 17 best in class ratings and was adjudged best
overall performer.

Chatham performed a client study covering service aspects
ranging from the accessibility and professionalism of account
specialist teams to fees and the range of investment choices
offered. Questions were rated on a seven-point scale, with six and
seven representing the highest levels of satisfaction. A best in
class rating was received when at least 85 percent of the
respondents selected a six or seven for a specific area.

In addition to specific service areas, clients’ overall impressions
were assessed. TRS exceeded Chatham’s proprietary benchmark in all
seven overall impression categories: Overall satisfaction; Would
recommend to others; Good value for the money; Easy to do business
with; Treats me as important; Reputation as a retirement services
provider; and Committed to technology.

Commenting, Chatham president Peter Starr said: “Although
Transamerica had already established itself as a customer service
leader in the retirement industry, the findings of this year’s
analysis demonstrate the company’s dedication to always improving
and enhancing its offerings.”